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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)at St John's Angell Town

St John's is a fun and vibrant school. Children, staff, governors, parents, all the school community work extremely hard and have high expectations of one another. We are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning – achieved through a combination of challenge, support, encouragement and praise. This ensures that all children fulfill their potential.

Within Early Years, you will find a welcoming and purposeful environment, with relationships built on mutual respect. Our supportive pastoral systems help pupils to achieve beyond their expectations and develop a strong sense of responsibility for themselves, their peers and the wider world. Our unique early years pupils develop skills for lifelong learning. Achievement and a 'can do' attitude are at the heart of our philosophy; we support this through nurturing pupils’ creativity, encouraging independent thinking and learning and showing that mistakes can be a learning opportunity. 

We are a forward-thinking school with an EYFS that is constantly striving for excellence. Teachers and practitioners use current research, training and government initiatives to inspire all learners to grow and develop.

Choosing your child’s school is one of the hardest decisions that parents can make and we want all of our parents to be at ease knowing that their child is happy and having a full and rich curriculum based on mutual respect. There are many questions you will want to ask and we hope that this website will give an insight into the many aspects of school life and will help you to make that decision. Have a look around our site and you will come across some of the information below.

On our website, you will find a calendar with important dates and links to our whole school's latest newsletters.
In our 'Information' section you will find tabs that cover our curriculum, policies and admissions procedures as well as links to other key areas of our school.
The 'Search' function at the top of the page allows you to search for specific information using keywords.
Our Class Dojo platform is updated daily and will show you every week the inspirational learning that is taking place, how the children are developing and what environment they are learning in. We also give top tips to parents to help with different parts of the curriculum and how we make learning fun



Here at St John's, we believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to achieve their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and the age of five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Together, good parenting and high quality early learning provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.

We each believe  that we deliver outstanding education day in and day out, Our department has highly skilled teachers and practitioners, who work daily to ensure that every child reaches their full potential and gets the highest standard of education and pastoral care when in and out of school. We aim to work closely with parents and families to ensure that support and guidance is there and in place to support their child further at home.

Our parents are very important to us as we know from experience that children thrive with good support from school and at home, at St John's we welcome our parents and are always looking for ways to develop strong and positive links. We carefully monitor all of the children's developments and this is shared with parents frequently. We want our parents as involved as possible in their child's education so we often ask parents to join us for special events in school and provide parents with ways to inform us of their child's home achievements. 

"Making the world a better place through faith, hope and love!" 


Theological Underpinning:

Proverbs 22,V6 -Train up a child in the way that they should go when they are old, they will not depart from it.'