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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development


SMSC is about developing the whole person through Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural experiences.


As a school we aim to provide learning opportunities that will:

  • Give pupils the opportunity to explore, show interest in and respect values and beliefs, including religious beliefs, which inform their own perspective on life.
  • Give pupils the opportunity to gain an enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves through exploring human feelings and emotions, the way that they affect people and how an understanding of them can be helpful.
  • Give pupils the opportunity to be imaginative and creative in their learning, and reflect on their experiences.


As a school we aim to provide learning opportunities that will:

  • Provide a clear moral code as a basis of behaviour which is promoted consistently through all aspects of the school.
  • Promote measures to prevent discrimination on the basis of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age and other criteria.
  • Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their actions e.g. respect for property, care of the environment and developing codes of behaviour.
  • Provide models for moral virtue through literature, humanities, science, arts and assemblies.


 Foster a sense of community, with common, inclusive values which ensure that everyone, irrespective of ethnic origin, nationality, gender, ability and religion can flourish.

 Help pupils develop personal qualities which are valued in a civilised society e.g. thoughtfulness, honesty, respect for difference, moral principles, independence, interdependence and self-respect.


As a school we aim to provide learning opportunities that will:

 Provide opportunities for pupils to explore their own cultural assumptions and values.  Present authentic accounts of the attitudes, values and traditions of diverse cultures.  Extend pupils knowledge of the use of cultural imagery and language. Recognising and nurturing particular gifts and talents

In our school SMSC is promoted through different subject areas.


We develop our awareness of the power of music by reflecting and expressing our own thoughts and feelings and our willingness to participate and respond to musical and cultural opportunities.


We foster awareness and understanding of a range of believes and practises in our community and the wider world. SMSC within RE, helps pupils develop their sense of identity and belonging in an increasingly diverse society.


We prepare for the challenges of living and learning in a technology enriched world, making clear guidelines about the ethical use of the internet.


We study a variety of genres which develops our awareness of moral and social issues, while increasing confidence and expertise in language which is an important aspect of our individual and social identity.


We appreciate that mathematics contributes to our everyday life and by working together we are able to achieve better results. We explore patterns and mathematical relationships using logical reasoning to help us make decisions and choices.


We are encouraged to reflect on the wonder of the natural world. By showing an awareness of the way science can effect society and the environment, we show respect for different opinions. 


We appreciate the achievements of past societies and the motivation of individuals, recognising that actions have consequences, by considering the results of events and decisions made in history.


We create opportunities to reflect on the diverse nature of our world, thinking about changing landscapes and the environment and developing our awareness of issues surrounding climate change.


We use art to develop our aesthetic appreciation, exploring feelings of awe and wonder. Through the study of artists, we learn about spiritual and religious themes such as war.

Design Technology:

During our investigations, we have opportunities to work as a team, share equipment and recognise each others strengths.

Physical Education:

Through activities involving teamwork, cooperation, competition, rules, self-discipline and fair play, we develop the skills of self-reflection, personal awareness and challenge.